Above images courtesy of GoMA and photographer Mark Sherwood.

Above image by HeyBubbles.

Above images by Stuart Addelsee.


Yayoi Kusama is a contemporary Japanese artist who puts dots all over her world. Her obsessive compulsive nuttiness is close to my heart and Kusama’s is definitely one of my all time favourite artists. Since December 2011, Queensland Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) has been showing her work in a ‘Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever‘ exhibition. Part of this event is a seriously cooltown interactive installation for children called The Obliteration Room – a series of rooms were painted completely in white where every room surface, piece of furniture and decoration was treated as a giant white canvas. Over the course of two weeks, kids were given thousands of colour dot stickers and were encouraged to make their creative contribution towards transforming the white space into one exploding with vibrant colours.

Seriously amaze, no? Yes, I thought so too. Can you just imagine how friggin’ exciting this must have been for the little ones? I can literally hear all the crazy screams and squeals just thinking about it.

‘The Obliteration Room’ and ‘Yayoi Kusama: Look Now, See Forever‘ are both on display at GOMA until 11 March 2012. You can read more about Yayoi Kusama and the exhibition at GoMA’s dedicated website.

[Images courtesy of GoMA and photographer Mark Sherwood. Bottom  images as indicated by Stuart Addelsee and HeyBubbles. Discovered via Architizer.]

12 Responses

  1. Oliver @ Sabi Style

    err it was ONLY the kids that were meant to add the dots…
    Are you sure?

    Ahh well this is awkward.

    Can you imagine being the first kid to place the first dot – what do you go for in the overwhelmingly huge blank space?

  2. Ezabelle

    This is brilliant! What a rainbow burst of colour, reminds me of skittles. Yes definitely a kids heaven. Great post!

  3. Chi Beheer

    […] [Via thisiscolossal yellowtrace] This entry was posted in Uncategorized by admin. Bookmark the permalink. […]

  4. ¡Es vierneeeeeees! | jelou2u

    […] * Obliterate room es una instalación interactiva de la artista Yayoi Kusama en Brisbane, Australia. Una serie de cuartos amueblados y pintados de blanco fueron el lienzo para que durante dos semanas cientos de niños con stickers de bolitas de colores hicieran de las suyas. Chequen el resultado. […]


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