Tape Art | BUFFdiss.

Lets kick off the week with brilliant tape art by BUFFdis, clever street artist from Melbourne. Love, love, loving it. Intricate and super detailed tape art in dereliqued and/ or unglamorous setting = pure...

Design Free Thursday | Ghost in the Machine by IRI5.

Ghost in the Machine by IRI5 (Erika Iris Simmons) seriously blows my mind. As a full-time independent artist based in Atlanta, Erika likes to collect random things found at garage sales and make them into composite art. These pieces were...

Design Free Thursday | Build Anything.

If you played with Lego growing up, you will love this little video by Studiocanoe. Actually, you'll love it even if you didn't play with Lego when you were a kid - cause I certainly didn't (Lego wasn't all that popular "in the old...