SAHMRI by Woods Bagot | Yellowtrace

SAHMRI Building by Woods Bagot // Adelaide, Australia.

Well, well, well... We don't tend to cover too many government buildings here on Yellowtrace (just to clarify - that would be, errr, never), but I love making exceptions every once in a while, particularly when a project pushes the...
3D Printed Motorcycle Sculptures by Jonathan Brand | Yellowtrace

3D Printed Motorcycle Sculpture by Jonathan Brand.

This CB500 Honda sculpture is a full-size, 3D-printed replica by Canadian artist Jonathan Brand. The motorcycle is made of 18 rolls of biodegradable corn plastic, weighing less than 40 pounds. Every collector's dream? The transparent...
Dinesen Showroom Copenhagen | Yellowtrace

New Dinesen Showroom in Copenhagen by Studio OeO.

In a never ending aspiration for the extraordinary, Dinesen has opened a new showroom in a historic setting next to the Lakes in Copenhagen, designed by Danish studio OeO. Dinesen originates from a strong passion for timber, creative...
'Meet Your Microbes' by Part of a Bigger Plan | Yellowtrace

Video // Meet your Microbes by Part of a Bigger Plan.

For most people, the idea that our bodies are covered in trillions of tiny microbes is kind of gross. Hoping to make the invisible visible and shed light on the useful nature of these micro-organisms, a film for the new Micropia Museum in...
Ambio bacterial lamp by Teresa van Dongen | Yellowtrace

Video // Ambio Bacterial Lamp by Teresa van Dongen.

Ocean waves glowing blue in the dark of night - anyone who has ever experienced this knows how magical it looks. This phenomenon is caused by bioluminescent micro-organisms in seawater that emit light when exposed to oxygen. This principle...