Giants with Dwarf by Stephan Hurlemann for horgenglarus | Yellowtrace

Giants with Dwarf by Stephan Hürlemann for horgenglarus.

‘Riesen mit Zwerg’—or ‘Giants with Dwarf’—is Swiss architect and designer Stephan Hürlemann’s menagerie of towering creatures, cleverly fashioned out of dusty antique chairs and tables from the depths of the horgenglarus...
Highbury Grove House by RITZ&GHOUGASSIAN | Yellowtrace

Highbury Grove House in Prahran by RITZ&GHOUGASSIAN.

Heritage renovations in densely populated urban contexts are a dime a dozen these days. Maximising the yield and opportunity of the existing block through a smart extension is more often than not a primary objective while maintaining the...
'Highroad' in Canberra by Foolscap Studio | Yellowtrace

‘Highroad’ Cafe in Canberra by Foolscap Studio.

Like the bush surrounding our nation’s capital, raw and natural elements – like Highroad's charred timber communal table – sit happily next to refined details, such as period cornices and stately wood panelling, and custom...
Workstead House in Charleston, South Carolina | Yellowtrace

Workstead House in Charleston, South Carolina.

There is something delicious about the prospect of taking a dilapidated building and restoring it to its former grandeur. Every architect and designer worth their salt has a moment of salivation at the mere thought of taking a tumbledown...
Belmont House by Kennedy Nolan | Yellowtrace

Belmont House in Kew, VIC by Kennedy Nolan.

Family homes are just that. Homes filled with families. And families start small and get bigger, often with alarming rapidity. Houses or apartments that once suited a couple no longer suit one with a baby. A house that once sufficed to...