Tape Art | BUFFdiss.Lets kick off the week with brilliant tape art by BUFFdis, clever street artist from Melbourne. Love, love, loving it. Intricate and super detailed tape art in dereliqued and/ or unglamorous setting = pure...
Video // Cassette Tape Animation | “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars.Brilliant cassette tape animation in the official music video for 'Just The Way You Are' by Bruno...
Design Free Thursday | Ghost in the Machine by IRI5.Ghost in the Machine by IRI5 (Erika Iris Simmons) seriously blows my mind. As a full-time independent artist based in Atlanta, Erika likes to collect random things found at garage sales and make them into composite art. These pieces were...
Packing Tape Design Installation | Numen/For Use.These spiderweb-like installations by Austrian-Croatian design firm Numen/For Use involved wrapping between 70-45 km of tape and 4-7 days, depending on their location. The idea for the installation originates in a set design concept for...