London Design Festival 2017 Highlights | Yellowtrace

Highlights From London Design Festival 2017.

Welcome to our coverage of London Design Festival 2017 highlights, in which we bring you our round-up of the finest events and products #LDF17 had to offer, leaving no stone unturned, no press release unread, and no link unclicked. It will...
Dowel Jones Interview | Yellowtrace

Interview: Dale Hardiman & Adam Lynch of Dowel Jones.

Dale Hardiman and Adam Lynch really 'get it' when it comes to communicating Dowel Jones as an overall brand and experience. They understand the power of 'brand personality', and the importance of investing in sharp art direction and slick...
Interview: Kensaku Oshiro | Yellowtrace

Interview: Milan-Based Japanese Designer Kensaku Oshiro.

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of meeting the uber talented and ever so humble Japanese-born Milan-based designer Kenasku Oshiro during his first ever visit to Australia. I was incredibly excited to have the opportunity to chat to...
Design Miami/Basel 2017 Highlights | Yellowtrace

Highlights from Design Miami/Basel 2017.

With Julie Andrews’ ‘The Sound of Music’ firmly entrenched in my mind, I headed off to Basel for my first excursion to the annual Design Miami showcase in Europe. I am definitely cut from the more contemporary cloth when it comes...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Terrazzo Trend Curated by Yellowtrace.

Stories On Design // Trending Terrazzo.

Some people have a love/hate relationship with terrazzo. Divisive as it may be, it’s ALL love around here, baby! We can’t get enough of the quirky colour combinations, the clash of materials and the sense of movement and vibrancy it...