Martin Jonsson's Surreal & Enigmatic Paintings | Yellowtrace

Martin Jonsson’s Surreal & Enigmatic Oil Paintings.

Stockholm-born Åkersberga-based artist Martin Jonsson has taken a nebulous theme and applied it to his subjects, putting a whole new spin on having your head in the clouds. Cumulus engulfs his solitary subjects, their puffy, cotton-like...
Best Of Stockholm Design Week 2018 | Yellowtrace

Best In Show: Stockholm Furniture Fair 2018.

Stockholm Design Week and Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair is one of our favourite Global Design Events we love watching from afar (it's the one we still haven't personally attended - yet!). But social media, countless press releases and...
Return of Breezeblock Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace

Bricks Decoded: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Breeze Block.

In Brazil, it’s known as Cobogó. In India, they call it Jaalis. The French term is Brise-soleil. Here we know it as Breeze Block. Call them what you will, these little units of awesome are making a massive comeback. Back in the 50s...

At Six Hotel in Stockholm by Universal Design Studio.

Located in a brutalist former bank headquarters in Stockholm, Universal Design Studio’s latest project, the At Six hotel, is home to one of Europe’s most ambitious contemporary art collections within a hotel. The London-based...