Second Home London Office by Selgascano | Yellowtrace

Second Home London Office by Selgascano.

An orange plastic tunnel forms a curvy seating area along the facade of this London office block - the first UK project from José Selgas and Lucía Cano, the architects of next year's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. Located in a former...
DI Telegraph by Archiproba | Yellowtrace

DI Telegraph by Archiproba in Moscow, Russia.

This former Soviet telecommunications building in the centre of Moscow has been converted by studio Archiproba into an open plan office for a technology company. Called DI Telegraph, the new flexible space occupies the upper floor of the...
Joint Cafe & Workspace by 56thStudio | Yellowtrace

JOINT Cafe & Workspace by 56thStudio // Bangkok, Thailand.

Next time I hear someone whinge about how hard it is to design a good-looking workspace on a budget, I'll personally bitch-slap them across the face, tell them to stop talking shit and instantly point them towards this post. This is a...