Edition Office Inteview Feature Yellowtrace

Interview: Aaron Roberts & Kim Bridgland of Edition Office.

Aaron Roberts and Kim Bridgland forged a shared perspective on social issues and interests as pertaining to the architecture industry, first as Masters students and later as co-workers. Realising their aligned intentions led the pair to...
Storybook House Melbourne By Folk Architects Yellowtrace

Storybook House in Melbourne by Folk Architects.

Folk Architects' design approach for Storybook House was to pack as much as possible into a small footprint, with no single plane or surface underutilised. For example, the balustrade to the upper level doubles as a built-in desk and...
Casa Morgana Northern Germany By J Mayer H Yellowtrace

Casa Morgana in Northern Germany by J. Mayer H.

Neighboured by 19th century homes, the abstract contemporary structure that is Casa Morgana stands out amongst its woody surrounds in Northern Germany. J. Mayer H. regard the building as a study for potential future architecture that seems...
Md Apartment Ahmedabad India By Saransh Yellowtrace

MD Apartment in Ahmedabad, India by Saransh.

Conscious of creating a space that is at once minimal and tactile, Saransh chose materials based on how well they will age for MD Apartment in Ahmedabad, India. Straying from generic ‘perfected’ urban homes, the architects made a...
Mika House Hasselt Belgium By Ism Architecten Yellowtrace

MIKA House in Hasselt, Belgium by i.s.m.architecten.

i.s.m.architecten undertook a minimalist renovation to MIKA House in Hasselt, Belgium. Measuring at just 5.5 metres in width, this narrow traditional row house is restricted by both the nature of its context and local urban planning rules....