Apartment Love.

A little while ago I came across this blog post on Hello Sandwich. The post was about Megan Morton's new book titled 'Home Love'which will be on sale later this month. For those of you who may not be familiar with Megan, she is a highly...

Xeros Residence by Blank Studio.

Who would've thought that there would be such a beautiful piece of architecture in the Arizona desert? The Xeros residence was designed by Blank Studio, a small architectural practice based in Phoenix, Arizona. I love the overall form...

Delfin-Postigo House in Madrid.

Oh my, I think I'm in love! Would you please just have a look at this house in Madrid? It belongs to David Delfin (fashion designer) and Gorka Posigo (architect turned photographer - check out his website AKAestudio). It is so...

Library Love.

I would really, really, really, ridiculously LOVE a big Library.... oh yes I would. Just like one of these places above and...