Faliro Loft by ése Studio // Athens.I’m generally a believer in less is more, but this warehouse conversion by ése Studio Architects of Athens, is teaching me a thing or two. This part office, part apartment space is a texture and pattern mash-up party and everyone’s...
Impossible Reality by Elenberg Fraser // 33 MacKenzie Street Residential Tower in Melbourne.It's certainly not every day that I come across a multi residential tower that makes me squeal with excitmenet. And by "not every day" I mean - hardly ever. Particularly when we are taking about our beloved country permanently stained by...
Optical Glass House by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP // Hiroshima, Japan.The Optical Glass House was designed by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP and it was completed in March 2012. Located on a busy residential street in downtown Hiroshima in Japan, the house features a glittering facade of suspended glass blocks...
Residential Interior Design | 2012 Archive.01 | Andrea Falkner Campi’s Home in Italy by Paola Navone. 02 | 5sculptures by Gus Wüstemann | Zürich, Switzerland. 03 | Valerie Traan by Lens°Ass architecten | Antwerp, Belgium. 04 | Casa G+S by Grooppo | Savona, Italy. 05 | All That...
Architecture | 2012 Archive.01 | Deliciously Curvalicious. 02 | Staring At The Stair. 03 | All That Glitters… 04 | Acne Studio by BozarthFornell | Paris. 05 | Maison Palmeraie | Marrakech, Marocco. 06 | Atherton Keener House | Phoenix, Arizona. 07 | Golden Workshop...
Läderfabriken Apartment Development // Stockholm, Sweden.I've said it before and I'll say it again - Scandinavians do it better. And in case you are not already convinced (yeah right), perhaps you will be after this post. Läderfabriken is the latest project from the Oscar Properties, who are...
Guido Hager’s Apartment in Berlin, Germany.Guido Hager is a landscape architect from Berlin. This is his apartment. I don't mean to be stereotyping people here, but have you noticed that there isn't a single plant in this interior? Without looking up who lived here, I would've...
UID Architects, Japan.Hiroshima based UID Architects studio was founded in 2003 by Keisuke Maeda. Clearly an advocate of designing in section and 3D, every project pushes the boundaries of solid and void, inside and outside, public and private. I think this is...
Villa Roces in Belgium by Govaert & Vanhoutte.Villa Roces is located on a large site (70m long and 30m wide) in the forest surroundings Bruges in Belgium. Designed by the Flemish studio Govaert & Vanhoutte architectuurburo, the house features a 50m long, 4.20m high timber wall which...