Mesmerising Mirrored Mood // Architecture.Mesmerising Mirrored Mood is dedicated to reflective buildings that seamlessly blend into their immediate surroundings. In doing so - they almost disappear, and their boundaries become infinite. Mirrors posses special magical powers. They...
Oh Kappetain, My Kappetain // Los Angeles Home of Architect Ray Kappe.I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – LA houses like this are what happens when modernist ideas go to the coast, unwinds by the beach, and unravels in all this louche, approachable brilliance. This is the sort of modern house...
Video // Casa Itu in Saõ Paulo by Studio Arthur Casas.Video tour of Casa Itu in Sau Paulo, Brazil designed by Studio Arthur...
FIKA by ON Design Partners // Tokyo.Designed by ON design partners, FIKA is a home that converts into a weekend shop selling scandinavian collectibles. Separated by a full-height white shelving unit, the shop and the home merge into a single space creating a unique and...
Napoléon Apartment Renovation in Paris by FREAKS freearchitects.This lovely heritage apartment is equal parts beautiful, clever and fun. Recently refurbished by FREAKS freearchitects, it is located on the Rue de Rivoli in Paris, which happens to be an old address of Napoleon I. In order to celebrate...
Yellowtrace Spotlight // March 2013.It's the first Monday of the month, which means it's Yellowtrace Spotlight time! In this month's edition I'm sharing with you a whole bunch of design news including a beautiful new house by Wolveridge Architects; new products from AÃRK...
Beautiful Brickwork.Had you asked me a few years ago how I felt about brick, I may have pulled a rather unenthused expression. For the longest time, bricks lived in the same brain cell as bad developer houses from the 90s. Oh, how things have changed. I am...
Refuge by Wim Goes Architectuur // House Extension in Belgium.In a small town outside of Ghent, lies this interesting little extension by Wim Goes Architectuur. It was completed in 2008, but I think good things deserve a revisit. The building is a living room extension to an existing brick house. It...
Fun House by UdA Architetti // Holiday Apartment Renovation in Juan Les Pins, France.A little while ago, I dedicated an entire post to the sensational Turin-based multidisciplinary studio UdA Architetti. Back then, I eloquently described their work as "shit hot design with truckload of personality". How lady-like of me....