Grace Farms Pavilion by SANAA in New Canaan, USA.If it looks like a snake, walks like a snake and slithers across upstate New York like one, does it make it of reptilian-decent? Far from it, actually. SANAA's Grace Farms in New Canaan is the latest offering from the Japanese firm to...
The Floating Piers at Lake Iseo, Italy by Christo & Jeanne-Claude.For sixteen days, Christo re-imagined Italy’s Lake Iseo with 100,000 sqm of shimmering yellow fabric, allowing the visitors to walk on...
OMA Restores the Landmark ‘Fondaco dei Tedeschi’ in Venice into a Spectacular Department Store.Commissioned in 2009 to transform the 9,000sqm building into a department store, OMA's restoration of the 16th Century Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice is officially complete. First constructed in 1228, and located at the foot of the...
Interview: Melbourne-Based Architect Kerstin Thompson.We've featured the work of Kerstin Thompson Architects a number of times on Yellowtrace - first when we celebrated our love for Beautiful Brickwork, followed by the Tour of Aesop Stores Around The World, and most recently in our Story...
Stories On Design // Temporary Timber Structures.Temporary Timber Structures, huh? I know. The shit we cover over here is pretty broad, and my personal and professional interests are pretty varied. Alas, we are not here to talk about my unhealthy hoarding obsession relating to design...
Interview: Brisbane-Based Architectural Studio Richards & Spence.Operating in their home town of Brisbane, Adrian Spence and Ingrid Richards co-founded Richards & Spence in 2008 with the aim of choreographing vibrant public spaces from private commissions. A small architectural practice of 7...
Cultural Center La Gota: Tobacco Museum by Losada García in Cáceres, Spain.Get ready for today’s doozy-of-a-building guys – a tobacco museum. Yeah you read that correctly, the Cultural Centre La Gota has been designed around the tobacco plant. Inspiring conceptual design to façade detailing, the tobacco...
Yellowtrace Spotlight // April 2016.Welcome to our April edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight. Today’s round up features the best new product and project submissions, art & design events, industry news and so much more. What are you waiting for? Go on – you know what to...
#SetintheStreet: Unordinary Scenes Set In Ordinary Places Photographed by Justin Bettman.Council clean up is one of our favourite times of the year, so today’s post really appeals to our inner thrifty sleuth. #Setinthestreet is both a photo series and public art project by Justin Bettman, an ad-man and artist from New York...