Design Free Thursday | What Happened Bandages.

I have a little confession – I’ve got a thing for band-aids. Husband always pays me out about it, but I can’t help it – I love them. As in, I don’t love hurting myself and having to wear one, but I really love...

Piet Hein Eek Laboratory + Workshop // Eindhoven.

Well, well, well... Isn't this a stroke of genius if ever I've seen one? Dutch designer Piet Hein Eek found an abandoned factory space on the outskirts of Eindhoven, and immediately decided to convert it into his studio, shop, gallery,...

GUBI | Design Icons Through Time.

GUBI is a family-owned Danish company established in 1976 by Lisbeth and Gubi Olsen. Their son, Jacob Gubi, took over the management of the company in 2001, changing the focus from residential to the international contract market. The...

Interview | Page Thirty Three.

Ryan Hanrahan and Bianca Riggio from Page Thirty Three are 'that' couple. You know the kind - young, talented, interesting, stylish, clever, spirited, driven... did I mention madly in love and amazing looking? Yes, well - that sort of...

Koskela Pop Up Sydney Showroom.

Hello everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was excellent - thanks for asking! In fact, yesterday I visited one of the most beautiful and "permanent looking" pop-up retail space I've ever seen. I'm taking about Koskela's new pop-up showroom...

London Design Festival 2011 | Part 02.

Mark Leib is back with his Part 02 roundup of the recent London Design Festival. Today he tells us about The Shoreditch Design Triangle, De La Espada at Tramshed, Ridley's pop-up restaurant by The Decorators and Atelier ChanChan and Jean...

London Design Festival 2011 | Part 01.

Hello y'all! We are super duper lucky to have a review of the recent London Design Festival by a dude who is now becoming our official first ever international correspondent - give it up for Mister... Maaaaaark Leeeeeeib!! Some of you...


I recently came across Pastoe while researching for a little house project I am working on (with the loveliest clients ever - yes you are M & M. Claim it. Own it!) Unfortunately this Dutch brand is currently not available in Australia...

Saturday in Design | Sydney, 2011.

Another year and yet another Saturday in Design is behind us. This annual trade event was held in Sydney last weekend (19th & 20th August) with showrooms buzzing with design industry professionals on the hunt for the latest in local and...