Colombe Studio Wilanowska Apartment Warsaw Photo Mood Authors Yellowtrace

Czech Mate: An Apartment in Warsaw by Colombe.

In Pilsen, Czech Republic, are four apartments, open to the public, that hold a mirror to celebrated late architect Adolf Loos’s storied modernist style. A fifth hides in Warsaw. But unlike the original four, this one isn’t open to the...
Mistovia Opolska Vintage Apartment Photo Oni Studio Yellowtrace

Compact Vintage Apartment in Katowice by Mistovia.

Mistovia’s sprinkle of decisiveness, a heap of enthusiasm and a teaspoon of optimism transform this compact apartment in Katowice into a whimsically wonderful space to call home. Formerly two apartments that have been merged into one,...
Projekt Praga Syrena Irena Modern Pierogi Bistro Warsaw Photo Pion Studio Yellowtrace

Modern Pierogi Bistro ‘Syrena Irena’ by Projekt Praga.

Syrena Irena’s is a pierogi place—but not as you know it. Located on the historical Krakowskie Przedmieście just off Warsaw’s Royal Route this modern pierogi bistro by Projekt Praga pairs traditional Polish signifiers with a...
Mistovia Nadwislanska Apartment Krakow Photo Oni Studio Yellowtrace

Nadwiślańska Apartment in Krakow by Mistovia.

Mistovia returns with a new project located in Krakow. Located in an apartment block famous for its light pink concrete facade and distinct dark-red window frames, the studio has extended the same colour code to the modestly sized 57sqm...