Marble District by Francesco Luciani | Yellowtrace

Marble District by Francesco Luciani.

Have you ever wondered how long it would take the Earth to reclaim herself after humans are long gone? How much time would need to pass before the green tendrils of nature wrap themselves around a building slowly suffocating the bricks and...
Apartment B in Berlin by Thomas Kröger Architekt | Yellowtrace

Apartment B in Berlin by Thomas Kröger Architekt.

Everything about this exquisite refurbishment by Thomas Kröger in Berlin hits the mark on every level, with a meticulous and almost obsessive attention to detail that evokes pure joy. It would be easy to overlook the stunning...
VERDI Barcelona Apartment by Cirera + Espinet | Yellowtrace

Quirky Barcelona Apartment by Cirera + Espinet.

It's always a treat taking a peek inside another designer's home, especially when they are the work of a young designer, because - let's face it - most of the time these spaces are not only clever, they are also proof that creativity and...
Rodebjer Fashion Store in Stockholm | Yellowtrace

Rodebjer Fashion Store in Stockholm.

We gave you a quick look at this fashion store in our recent story about Pink Perfection, and today we take a closer look at this retail gem in Stockholm. Coinciding with brand renewal, Swedish womenswear label Rodebjer has opened a new...