A Playful Soul: Milan Studio of Furniture Designer Antonio Aricò.I am yet to decide if I’m more excited about the prospect of snooping around creative people’s homes or their workspaces. Both can be equally inspiring, and I’m sure you’ll agree there’s something particularly exciting about...
Tongue-In-Cheek Oil Paintings by Milan-Based Artist Aldo Sergio.Aldo Sergio's works at first appear reminiscent of a classical approach to portrait painting and still life. But on closer inspection, his images are not a simplistic interpretation of real life at all. And that’s precisely what makes...
SIX Brings Together A Gallery, Bistro & Design Boutique in Milan.Located in the centre of Milan is SIX - a peaceful oasis and clever combination of design gallery, bistro and a green boutique studio. Described as the ultimate place to be, with its uber cool identity, unique elements and...
Whimsical Renovation of a Milan Apartment by Marcante-Testa.Designed around a central courtyard, architectural studio Marcante-Testa, have brought not just the views into this charming 150m2 apartment in Milan, but also the very feel of nature itself. Long stretches of wall in the living and...
Stories On Design // Green Architecture.What comes to mind when you think of ‘green architecture’? The notion may conjure images of vertical gardens, vegetated roofs or trees in interiors, but the concept is much more than meets the eye. Green architecture, or green...
Stories On Design // Hospitality & Event Pop-Ups.Gone are the days when Event Pop-Ups were simply clever PR stunts or an excuse for mediocre premises that have been knocked up by someone’s handy uncle who can cunningly transform Bunning’s chipboard into bench seats. Add a coupla...
Stories On Design // Modern Arches.Today’s Story is dedicated to one of architecture’s most fundamental elements, the one present in its very nomenclature: The Arch. Perhaps you would have noticed the resurgence of Arches in many modern projects, from architecture...
Lorenza Bozzoli’s Couture Ottomans for Luisa Via Roma Home.Lorenza Bozzoli's Couture Ottoman collection for Luisa Via Roma Home feature geometric patterns and handcrafted fringes woven using early 18th century...
Lazzarini Pickering’s Furniture Collection for Marta Sala Éditions.Rome-based Australian architect Carl Pickering and his partner, Claudio Lazzarini, have designed some of Europe's most extraordinary, contemporary residences through their joint studio Lazzarini Pickering Architetti. With a discerning...