Bentwood Cafe in Fitzroy, Melbourne by RITZ&GHOUGASSIAN | Yellowtrace

Bentwood Cafe in Fitzroy, Melbourne by Ritz&Ghougassian.

Ritz&Ghougassian have shared with us their latest hospitality project, Bentwood cafĆ©, set within the old Thonet showroom at 237 Napier Street in Melbourneā€™s Fitzroy. Bentwood cafĆ©ā€™s interior pays homage to the old custodians of...
Inteview: Emma Templeton of Templeton Architecture | Yellowtrace

Interview: Emma Templeton of Templeton Architecture.

I friggin love our interviews, you guys! And today is another absolute goodie, as we chat to the lovely, thoughtful and generous Emma Templeton, the principal of her eponymous practice, Templeton Architecture. With degrees in both...
Return of Breezeblock Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace

Bricks Decoded: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Breeze Block.

In Brazil, itā€™s known as CobogĆ³. In India, they call it Jaalis. The French term is Brise-soleil. Here we know it as Breeze Block. Call them what you will, these little units of awesome are making a massive comeback. Back in the 50s...