Feature Borders 1

A Fresh Start: Graziella by Giona Bierens de Haan.

For Giona Bierens de Haan, a Geneva-based architect who runs her eponymous practice, the clients of Graziella were neighbours from the childhood village she grew up in. When asked to design their next residence in the small town of Boudry,...
Estudio Reciente Casa Rubens San Lorenzo Del Escorial Photo Asier Rua Yellowtrace

Casa Rubens in San Lorenzo del Escorial by Estudio Reciente.

Oh, Ruby Blue—is that you? Estudio Reciente’s latest 120-square-metre Casa Rubens has been converted into a lovely holiday home for a family of four. Touches of bright colours that draws on summer dreams and nostalgic colours speaking...
Co Architecture Grove House Residential Design Sydney Photo Jack Lovel Yellowtrace

A Moment of Zen: Grove House by Clayton Orszaczky.

A yearning for the past and excitement for the future manifests a lovely outcome in Clayton Orszaczky’s Grove House in Sydney’s Woollahra. The building was once attached with a questionable extension that functioned much like a...