Dressing Room Lined in Leather by Simon Astridge | Yellowtrace

Dressing Room Lined in Leather by Simon Astridge.

British architect Simon Astridge has lined the walls of a walk-through dressing rooms in British Cow-hide leather for a private client. The house in London was fully refurbished with a new upper roof level added, containing a master suite...
Loft Three Marias by AVA Architects | Yellowtrace

Loft Three Marias by AVA Architects // Lisbon, Portugal.

Lisbon-based architecture studio AVA renovated the interior of this eye-catching apartment in Portugal’s capital city. Situated on the first floor of a 1893 building, the loft is occupied by a married couple (both engineers - dear lord!)...
Grand Tour by UDA | Yellowtrace

‘Grand Tour’ Apartment by UDA Architects // Bari, Italy.

In their signature style, the Turin-based UdA Architetti have injected this home with a sense of playful whimsy and loads of personality, while maintaining a certain level of restrain and sophistication. What draws me to this project is...