Christopher Kane Store in London by John Pawson | Yellowtrace

Christopher Kane Store in London by John Pawson.

Within the sublime Christopher Kane store in London designed by John Pawson, delicate atmosphere created with intelligent and subversive play of contrasting characteristics is the underlying theme — the natural and the synthetic, the...

Berlin Mitte Apartment Refurbishment by Atheorem.

Berlin based architecture studio atheorem have refurbished this 2-bedroom flat in Berlin’s Mitte district, forming part of an apartment block dating back to 1890. The only contemporary components of the new layout are the bathroom and...
Copper House II by Studio Mumbai | Yellowtrace

Copper House II by Studio Mumbai // Chondi, India.

The severe flood of Mumbai and its hinterland in 2005 had marked its high-water mark on a pump-house that was extant to the site. After using it to register the datum for the house, pile foundations were put in and a slab was cast two feet...

Stories On Design // Architecture for Children.

As adults, and especially as architects and designers - whether we are parents or not - we have a collective responsibility to teach our Young Jedis about the importance and the value of good design. They say it's best to start them young,...
Second Home London Office by Selgascano | Yellowtrace

Second Home London Office by Selgascano.

An orange plastic tunnel forms a curvy seating area along the facade of this London office block - the first UK project from JosĂŠ Selgas and LucĂ­a Cano, the architects of next year's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. Located in a former...