Bricks Decoded: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Breeze Block.In Brazil, it’s known as Cobogó. In India, they call it Jaalis. The French term is Brise-soleil. Here we know it as Breeze Block. Call them what you will, these little units of awesome are making a massive comeback. Back in the 50s...
Home on Malabar Hill in Mumbai, India by Case Design.This apartment in Malabar Hill, South Mumbai by Case Design is the embodiment of tranquillity and calm. The crisp, concise design is born from the need to accommodate the client’s business guests and family as a weekend retreat. With...
Stories On Design // Modern Arches.Today’s Story is dedicated to one of architecture’s most fundamental elements, the one present in its very nomenclature: The Arch. Perhaps you would have noticed the resurgence of Arches in many modern projects, from architecture...
Stories On Design // Circles in Architecture.The Circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, focus, infinity, unity, timelessness, the Sun, the Moon, the entire Universe. I suspect the reason most of us are drawn to it is...
Stories On Design // Inside Design & Architecture Studios.We all know perfectly well we are profoundly influenced by the spaces we inhabit, and it is no surprise that people who design these spaces, are particular about their own workplace. Today's Story takes a look at a diverse set of...
INSIDE World Festival of Interiors 2016.INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, the leading global interior design and architecture awards programme, has recently announced that a shortlist of 63 projects will compete to be crowned World Interior of the Year 2016. Projects from...
Paul Matter Debuts ‘Tango’ Lighting & Accesory Collection.New Delhi-based lighting studio Paul Matter has debuted its first collection, titled TANGO, including lamps with rounded shades made from beaten brass....
Stories On Design // Empty & Abandoned Buildings.I've always had a profound fascination with empty buildings and abandoned spaces. It's difficult to look at these sorts of images without a whole bunch of mixed feelings rising to the surface - a sense of wonder, confusion, awe,...
Interview // Nipa Doshi & Jonathan Levien of Doshi Levien.Doshi Levien is an internationally acclaimed London-based design studio was founded by partners in life and business - Nipa Doshi & Jonathan Levien. Nipa grew up in India and studied design at the National Institute of Design, while...