Eden Locke Edinburgh Hotel by Grzywinski+Pons | Yellowtrace

Eden Locke Edinburgh Hotel by Grzywinski+Pons.

For a country that has more than 400 words to describe snow and the nation’s favourite word is ‘driech’ (meaning dull and miserable weather), it probably comes as somewhat of a surprise that the architects Gryzwinski+Pons chose a...
Yellowtrace Spotlight: Global Design News April 2017.

Yellowtrace Spotlight // April 2017.

Welcome to the April edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight! This month we are sharing a whole bunch of design news including a few super amazing residential projects (like – duh!), beautiful new products, another amazing Book Giveaway, a...
March 2017 Yellowtrace Spotlight

Yellowtrace Spotlight // March 2017.

Our March edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight rounds up the best local and international submissions, including a pink velvet-lined interior by BUCKSTUDIO; three knockout hotels in Madrid, Barcelona and Chicago; a sculptural freestanding...