Return of Breezeblock Architecture Trend, Curated by Yellowtrace

Bricks Decoded: Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Breeze Block.

In Brazil, it’s known as Cobogó. In India, they call it Jaalis. The French term is Brise-soleil. Here we know it as Breeze Block. Call them what you will, these little units of awesome are making a massive comeback. Back in the 50s...
The Botanist Restaurant in Vancouver, Canada by Ste. Marie | Yellowtrace

The Botanist Restaurant in Vancouver, Canada by Ste. Marie.

Designed by Vancouver-based Ste. Marie, The Botanist is Grande Cafe by way of the Pacific Northwest – a place where one can take breakfast, lunch, dinner or drinks. With an overall sense of refined conviviality being the end-goal of...
January 2018 Yellowtrace Spotlight

Yellowtrace Spotlight // January 2018.

Happy (belated) New Year everyone and welcome to the January 2018 edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight – the first one for the year. Boom! In this month’s design news you can read about two new excellent retail projects, a brilliant new...
Fonda Bondi by Studio Esteta | Yellowtrace

Fonda Bondi by Studio Esteta.

Studio Esteta's design approach for Fonda Bondi celebrates the fun, bright and youthful brand personality of the Melbourne-based Mexican street food...
Hospitality & Restaurant Interiors 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

Hospitality & Restaurant Interiors | 2017 Archive.

Hospitality Interiors make my heart race faster. In other words, I love them, and I know you do too, because these types of spaces affect us all when we are out of our homes and doing wonderful things like socialising with friends, going...
Hotel Architecture & Interiors 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

Hotel Architecture & Interiors | 2017 Archive.

Hotels have always been serious business and the ultimate expression of good hospitality design. Nowadays more than ever, hotels are places that need to capture the imagination of global travellers, particularly as most of us now travel...
Australian Architecture Interiors Archive 2017 | Yellowtrace

Australian Architecture & Interiors | 2017 Archive.

For far too long us Aussies have looked to other places, namely Europe, as the only ‘valid’ source of good design. Similarly, it’s wasn’t so long ago when we thought that the only visionary sources of inspiration were coming from...
Spotlight December 2017 | Yellowtrace

Yellowtrace Spotlight // December 2017.

Welcome to the December edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight – the very last one for 2017! Say whaaaat? How did that happen? As we say goodbye to the year that was, we have a selection of the best submissions that have come our way in the...