Voice of Coffee KOBE by Yusuke Seki | Yellowtrace

Voice of Coffee in Kobe, Japan by Yusuke Seki.

This hole-in-the-wall style espresso bar and mini roastery might feel at home down a Surry Hills alleyway, or tucked into an empty loading dock in the Melbourne CBD. It is, however, located in Kobe – the Japanese city on Osaka Bay, best...
June 2018 Yellowtrace Spotlight

Yellowtrace Spotlight // June 2018.

Our June edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight rounds up the best local and international submissions, including some hot and happening restaurants in Sydney, Shanghai & Antlanta, new products that have dropped in Australia from Laminex,...
Héroine Restaurant & Bar in Rotterdam by Modiste | Yellowtrace

Héroine Restaurant & Bar in Rotterdam by Modiste.

Rotterdam based furniture design company Modiste has shown their capacity to create beautiful furniture also extends to interior design. Modiste has recently completed Héroine, a fine dining restaurant and cocktail bar - a venerable...
F.E.D. Restaurant in Shanghai by Alberto Caiola | Yellowtrace

F.E.D. Restaurant in Shanghai by Alberto Caiola.

F.E.D. is a modern Shanghai eatery that incorporates edible blooms into an innovative fusion of dishes and drinks. Inspired by its ingenious cuisine, the restaurant’s interiors incorporate visual abstractions of this central floral theme...
The Collectionist Hotel Opens in Sydney's Camperdown | Yellowtrace

The Collectionist Hotel Opens in Sydney’s Camperdown.

With The Collectionist Hotel in Sydney, The World is Round, Amber Road, Willis Sheargold and Pattern Studio's collective challenge was to create a greater sense of quality that would exceed the budget’s potential and client’s...
Été Restaurant in Barangaroo, Sydney by Foolscap Studio | Yellowtrace

Été Restaurant in Barangaroo, Sydney by Foolscap Studio.

Été interior references year-round seasons, with contrasting materiality defining two distinct zones within one open space—a moodier, darker Autumn & Winter setting at the rear of the dining room, while the brighter Spring & Summer...