Pr Agency Moscow Office By Dvekati Yellowtrace

PR Agency’s Moscow Office by Dvekati.

With a limited budget, Dvekati use unexpected materials and vibrant colours to create a joyous and fun workplace for PR agency Rupor in Moscow. At just 45sqm, the compact layout feels a little like a uni share house, adding to the sense of...
Tattersalls Hotel Armidale By Luchetti Krelle Yellowtrace

Tattersalls Hotel in Armidale by Luchetti Krelle.

The country town of Armidale, a former gold rush settlement in a region known as the New England of NSW, is home to the refurbished Tattersalls Hotel. Originally built in 1854, and renamed in 1884, Luchetti Krelle have honoured the...
Lax Bar In Vienna By Four Artists From Austria And Germany Yellowtrace

LAX Bar in Vienna by Four Artists from Austria & Germany.

Taking over the former record store Schallplatten Brigitte, one of the first in Vienna dating back to 1959, LAX Bar is an homage to Adolf Loos' famed 'American Bar' conceived by four Austrian and German artists. Beyond a preserved...