Bentwood Cafe in Fitzroy, Melbourne by RITZ&GHOUGASSIAN | Yellowtrace

Bentwood Cafe in Fitzroy, Melbourne by Ritz&Ghougassian.

Ritz&Ghougassian have shared with us their latest hospitality project, Bentwood café, set within the old Thonet showroom at 237 Napier Street in Melbourne’s Fitzroy. Bentwood café’s interior pays homage to the old custodians of...
Inteview: Emma Templeton of Templeton Architecture | Yellowtrace

Interview: Emma Templeton of Templeton Architecture.

I friggin love our interviews, you guys! And today is another absolute goodie, as we chat to the lovely, thoughtful and generous Emma Templeton, the principal of her eponymous practice, Templeton Architecture. With degrees in both...
Sliced Architecture Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Sliced Architecture.

Sliced Architecture is an ode to skylights, primarily, but not just your regular, run-of-the-mill skylights. Puh-lease. When has regular anything been the topic of discussion around here? Exactly! Sliced Architecture takes into account...
Catapult Launches New Sydney Showroom | Yellowtrace

Catapult Launches New Sydney Showroom.

A little over four years after their inception, Catapult Design have opened their brand new showroom set within in a heritage wool store in Sydney’s...