Art, Graphics & Illustrations Archive 2016 | Yellowtrace

Art, Graphics & Illustrations | 2016 Archive.

This is another one of those multi-categories that covers 2016 Archives in the areas spanning Art, Graphics & Illustration, with just a little hint of Random Fun (aka Design Free Thursday) to keep things interesting, left-of-filed and...
Australian Design & Art Archive 2016 | Yellotwtrace

Australian Design & Art | 2016 Archive.

As much as Yellowtrace has always been about having a well informed global view, our commitment to continuously uncover and celebrate the very best Australian Design & Art talent cannot be ignored. In 2016, we’ve brought you a string...
Arresting Hyperrealistic Portraits by Mike Dargas | Yellowtrace

Arresting Hyperrealistic Portraits by Mike Dargas.

German artist Mike Dargas creates extraordinarily realistic seductive portraits that could easily be mistaken for photographs. Many of his work create an unforgettable impact as they measure over two metres in height. Featuring...
Monumental Nobodies by Australian Artist Matthew Quick | Yellowtrace

Monumental Nobodies by Australian Artist Matthew Quick.

In his thought provoking series 'Monumental Nobodies', award-winning Australian artist Matthew Quick utilises images of power yet distorts meanings through a conceptual approach that reveals pressing issues of society. With their...