Crossing Over Vincenzo De Cotiis Gallery Milan Collectible Design Yellowtrace

Crossing Over at Vincenzo De Cotiis Gallery, Milan.

Vincenzo De Cotiis’ latest investigation is about building contemporary urban imagery, where the city becomes the place of contamination and culture of displacement. The resulting collection resembles the work of an ethnologist who,...
Collectible 2020 Highlights Feature Image Yellowtrace

Highlights From Collectible Design Fair 2020 in Brussels.

Amid the sea of global design events cancelled or postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the 3rd annual edition of COLLECTIBLE, the pioneering fair dedicated exclusively to the 21st-century contemporary collectible design, returned to...
Obo Office Paris France By Cigue Yellowtrace

OBO Office in Paris, France by CiguĂŤ.

Inspired by the meditative simplicity of a monastery, CiguĂŤ chose humble, long-lasting materials including solid oak, baked earth and crude steel for the OBO office in Paris. Rather than disrupt the flow with solid walls, glass...