Home for a Craftsman: Avala House in Belgrade by TEN Studio.Taking cues from Yugoslav modernism, TEN Studio has utilised local material and construction knowledge to design an ideal contemporary home formed personally by the hands of local makers. The result is a highly contemporary, conceptually...
An Homage to Palladio: Parlor19 Jewellery Store by Say Architects.Say Architects’ Parlor19 jewellery shop features a central Chamber, inspired by Palladio’s famed work of classical architecture Villa Rotunda. “The chamber, constructed with eggshell sandstone, reflective ceiling, and floor serves as...
Bona Vista House by Studio Prineas.With a touch of sun-kissed summer dreams layered with the taste of strawberries and cream, Studio Prineas’ Bona Vista excitingly awaits to embrace a family of five. Located in Sydney’s inner-west, Bona Vista is a heritage protected...
Original Feelings Yoga Studio Berlin by Some Place Studio.The concept of flow – a term used in yoga practice to describe a sense of fluid movement and meditation – is the driving force behind Original Feelings studio in Berlin. The interior manifests flow through extended, smooth transitions...
Under The Sea: Sarah & Sebastian Armadale by Russell & George.A complex palette of all-black materials in varying sheens and intensity captures the spirit of the mostly unexplored world beneath the waves in Russell and George’s latest offering for Sarah and Sebastian's first Melbourne boutique. An...
HyperSext City Interactive Exhibition Highlights Gender Prejudice of Urban Spaces.Monash University's XYX Lab realises a major interactive exhibition highlighting spatial injustice experienced by women, girls and the LGBTQI+ communities. On show now at Sydney’s Tin Sheds Gallery until 9th April...
Architectural Garden of Eden: The Island by Clément Lesnoff-Rocard.A refuge that feels worlds away from La Defense, Paris’ business district, architects Clément Lesnoff-Rocard and Gil Percal have designed a family home that looks inward to its garden and elements within nature to create The Island is a...
A Conscious Collaboration: Ellipse Rug Collection by Armadillo and House of Grey.In bringing the Ellipse collection to life, Armadillo and House of Grey embraced a transparent and sustainable process of craftsmanship that works in synergy with nature. Each rug is made from carefully sourced natural fibres meticulously...
Rozbrat Apartment in Warsaw by Colombe Studio.Old and new pieces exist in harmony in this remodelled pre-war apartment in Warsaw. Custom joinery and antique objects layered with new pieces combined with an unexpected colour story reads like a love letter to 20th-century...