A Deep Dive into Melbourne Design Week 2021 Highlights.Underpinned by three overarching principles—Care, Climate & Community—Melbourne Design Week 2021 presented with plenty of heart, silver linings and provocative ideas aiming to design a better world for everyone—the one that not only...
ITL Restaurant Adelaide by Genesin Studio in Collaboration with Walter Brooke.Playing with scale and space to capture the intrigue and established poise of an old Palazzo Genesin Studio and Walter Brooke have collaborated to design a restaurant that demands attention, housed in SkyCity Adelaide. Think pink...
Old Amsterdam Garage Becomes an Impressive Family Home for Barde + vanVoltt.With skylights and glass partition walls Barde + vanVoltt have transformed a 1930’s garage into a wide and open contemporary family home. Fusing original elements with natural materials and industrial fixtures they have balanced the...
Astra Walker Unveils New Brisbane Showroom by Richards & Spence.Astra Walker Brisbane showroom's galley-style layout presents as a series of bays with products on one side, where private moments with individual pieces from every range can be enjoyed. The side facing the street has a warmly lit...
Haycroft Gardens: Sustainable Multi-generational House by Sarah Wigglesworth.A generous edible garden and refurbished greenhouse are the centrepieces of this environmentally conscious, multi-generational home designed by Sarah Wigglesworth to accommodate the ever-evolving living patterns of three generations living...
Climate Crisis Font by Helsingin Sanomat.Nordic’s largest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat has designed a free font visualising the urgency for climate action and its impact on the environment. Using different font weights to illustrate the dwindling arctic sea extent by 2050 an...
Epic Renovation of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp by KAAN Architecten.One of KAAN Architecten’s most intrepid initiatives for KMSKA was to completely conceal the extension of the museum within its existing inner structure — the new addition is not visible from the outside, highlighting the heritage value...
The Good, The Inspiring & The Talented: Melbourne Design Week 2021 Video Highlights.If there's one thing I will remember about MDW21, it's the enormously powerful collective sense of renewed purpose and meaningful conversations. I hope you enjoy this special spotlight on Melbourne's wonderful design community and some of...
Maurice Terzini’s CicciaBella Parramatta by Fiona Lynch.Aperitivo hour is sorted at CicciaBella Parramatta, Maurice Terzini’s latest offering designed by Fiona Lynch. Inspired by traditional Trattoria’s, nostalgic of Terzini’s time spent in Italy paired with his contemporary sleek,...