Casa CS by Moramarco+Ventrella Architetti | Yellowtrace

Casa CS by Moramarco+Ventrella Architetti.

Casa CS sits proudly on a corner plot in the Southern Province of Bitritto and despite its confident and solid appearance, the house is all about internal light and thoughtful quality of space. The building simultaneously demonstrates...
Churches and Chapels, Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Take Me To Church.

Regardless of whether or not you love churches, it is difficult to deny the extraordinary power of these sacred elemental spaces. In today's world full of noise, the church represents a little break, and a sweet moment of peace. To...
Inside The House of Dior in Seoul | Yellowtrace

Inside The House of Dior in Seoul, South Korea.

House of Dior in Seoul, South Korea is one deliciously curvalicious building. Alive with delicate movement, vitality and striking monumentality; this resplendent boutique is the work of Pritzker Prize winner Christian De Portamparc. The...
Why Are Architects Sick For Green-Green? | Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Why Are Architects So Sick For Green?

I've been noticing a peculiar phenomenon in architecture both here and overseas which has me scratching my head juuuust a little. There happens to be one colour (other than "concrete") that sits at the top of architect's list. Green....
CD Pool House in Belgium by Marc Merckx | Yellowtrace

CD Poolhouse in Belgium by Marc Merckx.

The pared down interiors by Belgian designer Marc Merckx are evidence of his constant search for the perfect balance between proportion, materials and space. CD Poolhouse is a minimalist dwelling and one of Merckx's latest projects. This...