Childlike, Dark & Witty Art of David Shrigley.Self-branded as an outsider in the art world, David Shrigley is an internationally renowned Glasgow-based artist who has developed a cult following for his stripped back, childlike drawings. His dark and deliberately crude work explores...
Stories On Design // Illustrated Interiors.Interiors are like people - they have their own personalities, their own strengths and weaknesses, confidence and insecurities. Just like people, there are times when we need our interiors to take a back seat, be quiet and just chill......
Installations of Imaginary Architecture by Damien Gilley.Portland-based artist Damien Gilley creates optical illusions that explore imaginary architecture from strips of coloured tape. His large-scale site-specific complex works are executed through drawing and sculptural practices. His...
Joint Exhibition by Anna & John Ancher at Quadrant Gallery Melbourne.Talented father and daughter duo, Anna Ancher & John Ancher, both of them an architect and an artist, are hosting an upcoming joint exhibition of individual works at Quadrant Gallery in Melbourne. Their subjects and chosen means of...
Art, Graphics & Illustrations | 2014 Archive.A round up of Art, Graphic Design & Illustrations from Yellowtrace 2014 archives - drawings, painting, collages, sculptures, animation, videos, interactive artwork etc....
‘LUCAS GROGAN x SKARFE’ Debut Collection of Wearable Art.Although the good old 'C' word has been trashed from overuse in the last couple of years, we still can't help but love a good Collaboration around here. Fewer things are better than when two or more heads from completely different...
365 Postcards for Ants by Lorraine Loots.'Postcards for Ants' is an ongoing painting project by Cape Town artist Lorraine Loots who has created a miniature painting every single day since January 1, 2013. At first her subjects stemmed from her own imagination but as the project...
Design Free Thursday // Doublefaced by Sebastian Bieniek.'Doublefaced' is an ongoing series of experimental portraits by Berlin-based artist Sebastian Bieniek where a second face is painted with make-up on the side of the model's face. While the idea seems ridiculously simple, the actual result...
Little Trace of // Monika Domaschenz.Monika Domaschenz is a Sydney based graphic designer who works with a number of leading design studios and global advertising agencies. The central focus and strength of Monika’s work – for both her commercial and private projects –...