Flower Bouquets Frozen in Blocks of Ice by Makoto Azuma.The self-described botanic artist Makoto Azuma has consistently looked for new ways to explore the beauty of plants, flowers and bonsai by placing them in incredibly unique settings. His latest exhibition, 'Ice Flowers', offers a...
Light Painting Animation of a Skateboarding Skeleton by Darren Pearson.Los Angeles-based filmmaker and light painting artist, Darren Pearson has created this mind-bending stop motion short film that follows the adventures of an illuminated skateboarding skeleton. The one-minute video contains over 700...
Hilarious Valentines Day Cards!It's no secret that Team Yellowtrace aren't the world's biggest fans of Valentines Day. Having said that, we are always up for a laugh and these hand-lettered and illustrated Valentines Day cards found on Etsy are absolutely hilarious and...
Surreal & Disturbingly Beautiful Photography by Christopher Mckenney.Christopher McKenney is a Pensylvania-based conceptual photographer who understands that art isn't always about rainbows, kittens and butterflies. His dark and twisted surreal images embrace the unlikely tension between terror and...
Installations, Set Design & Photography | 2014 Archive.A roundup of Installation Art, Set Design & Photography from Yellowtrace 2014 archives - experiential installations, superb art direction & styling...
Art, Graphics & Illustrations | 2014 Archive.A round up of Art, Graphic Design & Illustrations from Yellowtrace 2014 archives - drawings, painting, collages, sculptures, animation, videos, interactive artwork etc....
Raw, Emotion-Filled Family Portraits… And Happy Holidays!In the spirit of the upcoming holidays and as another personal reflection on Christmas, I wanted to remind us all of the importance of family and celebrating what we have, and, perhaps for some of us, what once was. I know too well how...
Video // Meet your Microbes by Part of a Bigger Plan.For most people, the idea that our bodies are covered in trillions of tiny microbes is kind of gross. Hoping to make the invisible visible and shed light on the useful nature of these micro-organisms, a film for the new Micropia Museum in...
Design Free Thursday // Face-kinis by Peng & Chen.I know what you're thinking - WTF dude. Fair enough. But with the holiday season coming up, and harsh Australian sun doing what it does, I just wanted to take a moment to warn you about the importance of taking care of your skin while...