The Labyrinth Home of Xavier Corbero | Yellowtrace

The Labyrinth Home of Spanish Sculptor Xavier Corbero.

This epic project remains a work in progress that 80-year-old Xavier Corbero has been building for over half his life. Corbero explains that the driving motivation behind his artistic creations is to create “poetry” - which is...
Churches and Chapels, Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Take Me To Church.

Regardless of whether or not you love churches, it is difficult to deny the extraordinary power of these sacred elemental spaces. In today's world full of noise, the church represents a little break, and a sweet moment of peace. To...
Stories on Design: Un-Walls / Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories on Design // Un-Walls.

We often approach walls as barriers and dividers, or something that's solid, that might be painted, or coated, or lined, clad, upholstered... You get the idea. But what happens when we start thinking about walls as something a lot more...
Window Seats, Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories on Design // Window Seats.

I'm yet to meet a human being who doesn't love a good window seat - it's simply impossible not to. Window seats are magical spaces that can instantly make us feel peaceful and calm, whereby a window becomes like a painting one can get lost...
Fins & Folded Facades, Curated by Yellowtrace.

So Hot Right Now // Fins & Folded Facades.

I recall a time when I used to have a grown up job in an architecture firm, and the debate amongst my colleagues/ architects over the design of every façade. This is not surprising. Not only are they one of the first things we all notice...
Scale Shingles in Architecture & Design, curated by Yellowtrace.

So Hot Right Now // Scale Shingles in Architecture & Design.

Scale shingles are by no means a radical new concept in architecture & design. Far from it. I don't know if this is the same as you, but I remember my early drawings of houses from when I first learned to hold a pen, which featured scale...
Totally Terrific Triangles in Architecure & Interiors, Curated by Yellowtrace

Totally Terrific Triangles in Architecture & Interiors.

I have a serious weakness for pure forms and simple geometry. What? You knew that already? I know, I'm becoming super predictable. Having said that, as much as I cannot get passed squares, rectangles, circles and hexagons (my personal...
Yardhouse by Assemble | Yellowtrace

Yardhouse in East London by Assemble Studios.

Handmade concrete tiles give a scaly facade to this collaborative workplace building designed by Assemble for artists and designers in east London. Yardhouse was built with a simple wooden post and beam structure and a basic off-the-shelf...