Wengawa House, Japan by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates | Yellowtrace

Wengawa House, Japan by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates.

We visit the unassuming residential area of AnjĹŤ, Japan, and are treated to a lesson in design and space planning excellence by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates. Demonstrating their masterful approach to housing, Katsutoshi Sasaki +...
Nacree Restaurant in Tokyo by Kengo Kuma | Yellowtrace

Nacrée Restaurant in Tokyo by Kengo Kuma & Associates.

In the Miyagi prefecture of Japan, one can now enter a space that will transport them into a place that’s neither here, nor there, but a completely stand alone world for whimsical leisure and dining. This dream-like place is Necree,...
Peter's House in Copenhagen by Studio David Thulstrup | Yellowtrace

Peter’s House in Copenhagen by Studio David Thulstrup.

Let's start this post with a gentle reminder that somebody actually lives in this fuck-off incredible space. They get to wake up in that 10/10 bedroom, swan down those velvet-draped halls, cook dinner in that kitchen and when it all gets...

Berlin Mitte Apartment Refurbishment by Atheorem.

Berlin based architecture studio atheorem have refurbished this 2-bedroom flat in Berlin’s Mitte district, forming part of an apartment block dating back to 1890. The only contemporary components of the new layout are the bathroom and...