Brickwork Architecture and Design | Collage by Yellowtrace.

Beautiful Brickwork.

Had you asked me a few years ago how I felt about brick, I may have pulled a rather unenthused expression. For the longest time, bricks lived in the same brain cell as bad developer houses from the 90s. Oh, how things have changed. I am...

New Horizons Cinema by BUCK.ARCHITEKCI // Wroclaw, Poland.

In 2012, young Polish firm, BUCK.ARCHITEKCI, were commissioned to redesign a three-storey new foyer for one of the largest art house cinemas in Europe - The New Horizons (Kino Nowe Horyzonty) in Wroclaw. In addition to regular film...

Google Art Project.

No doubt that most of you would have heard about the Google Art Project by now, no? Either way, it's not like the mighty Googleneed any press from lil' ol' me but I couldn't resist - it's too exciting not to share! Released only last week,...