Anish Kapoor London Studios by Caseyfierro Architects | Yellowtrace

Anish Kapoor’s London Studios by Caseyfierro Architects.

It's always a special treat being able to take a peek inside an artist studio, particularly when it belongs to the one who's work always intrigues. British artist and sculptor Anish Kapoor is known for his epic works varying from...
Temporary Timber Structures, Curated by Yellowtrace.

Stories On Design // Temporary Timber Structures.

Temporary Timber Structures, huh? I know. The shit we cover over here is pretty broad, and my personal and professional interests are pretty varied. Alas, we are not here to talk about my unhealthy hoarding obsession relating to design...
Australian Design & -Art 2015 Archive | Yellowtrace

Australian Design & Art | 2015 Archive.

As much as Yellowtrace has always been about having a well informed global view, our commitment to uncovering the very best Australian Design & Art talent cannot be ignored. In 2015, we've brought you a string of stories featuring local...
Venice Biennale 2015 Highlights | Yellowtrace

Highlights From the 56th Venice Art Biennale 2015.

The Venice Biennale has for over a century been one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the world. Ever since its foundation in 1895, it has been in the avant-garde, promoting new artistic trends and organising international...