Sarah Illenberger.I spotted these super awesome limited edition prints by Sarah Illenberger (shown above) which made me squeal with excitement. Literally. They are cunning, witty, clever and so much fun! And you can buy them right here. After seeing...
Papercraft Self Portrait | Eric Testroete.What the WHAT?!?! Eric Testroete is a 3D arist from Vancouver, who made possibly the coolest Halloween costume ever - a paper-craft self portrait inspired by big-head mode seen in video games. Ok, you can't tell me that you are not...
Ryuji Nakamura.I am not really sure how to introduce the work of Japanese architect Ryuji Nakamura. 'Extreme love' is a bit thin. 'Genius' doesn't quite cut it. 'Mesmerising' gets us close, but doesn't really do it justice. There are very few people...
Packing Tape Design Installation | Numen/For Use.These spiderweb-like installations by Austrian-Croatian design firm Numen/For Use involved wrapping between 70-45 km of tape and 4-7 days, depending on their location. The idea for the installation originates in a set design concept for...
On Inspiration and Honing Your Design Instincts.Good morning peeps. How was everyone's weekend? Awesome...? Ah, that's great to hear! I was very lucky to watch Powderfinger's last ever gig in Sydney on Saturday night, which was part of their farewell tour - and I've got to tell you...
Nils Nova.Cool-town art installations by Nils Nova are a marriage between art and interiors. It is in fact impossible to separate his art from the setting. I know, I know... It's ridiculously good, right? You could totally do something like this...
LLove Exhibition | Tokyo.I am absolutely speechless about the cleverness (that's totally a word, right?) of this exhibition concept. LLove exhibition in Tokyo, located in Shibuya-ku, is curated by Suzanne Oxenaar, who is an artistic director of the Lloyd Hotel in...
Painted People | Alexa Meade.Well I'll be dipped in shit and rolled in bread crumbs! This is seriously one of the coolest things I've seen in ages. These artworks are by Alexa Meade, a 23-year-old artist based in Washington DC, whose work is a combination of...
20 Hangers Wardrobe | Alice Rosignoli.Designed by a young Italian product designer, Alice Rosignoli, this wardrobe is made using nothing by 20 ordinary wood hangers and black rope. Such a simple idea and a perfect example of how something ordinary can be transformed into a...