Still Life Photography by Christoph Sagel.

There is something captivating about the work of Christoph Sagel. This Berlin based photographer specialises in still life photography with a twist. Mr Sagel has a real ability to transform the ordinary, everyday objects into...

Design Free Thursday | Alex Kisilevich.

I love this cooky and clever photography by Toronto based Alex Kisilevich. The 'hair' in the top image reminds of my current haircut. Really must do something about that...

Plantable | JAILmake Studio.

Plantable is a handmade table by London-based JAILmake Studio (Liam Healy and Jamie Elliott) which will be on show at Designersblock during the upcoming London Design Week. Designed to interact with nature, this table offers a place to...

Vitra Miniatures Chandelier | Paola Pivi.

The 'Nice Ball' (funny name) by Italian artist Paola Pivi, is a chandelier containing 80 iconic design furniture miniatures which are attached to an aluminum structure. Each light measures approximately 700 mm (28") in diameter, made from...

Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend. Apparently.

Back in the day when I was studying Interior Architecture at UNSW, I worked at a jewelley store selling expensive Swiss watches and hand-made jewellery, custom pieces, engagement rings etc. During this time I developed an understanding and...

‘Dream Sequence’ by Madame Peripetie.

The fine people who follow yellowtrace on Facebook (those that aren't - seriously, what the *@$# !!) will notice that my current avatar is hiding amongst today's beautiful images. They are a part of a stunning and surreal fashion editorial...

Akio Hirata’s Exhibition of Hats by Nendo | Tokyo, Japan.

Ahhhh, Nendo, Nendo, Nendo... Is there ANYTHING you people cannot do? Seriously? Your talent it almost sickening. Except, I am completely in awe and too dazzled to feel sick right now. Anyway, back to the story. What you are looking at...

Balloon Bench | Satoshi Itasaka of h220430 Studio.

Holy smokes. This has to be one of the sweetest things I've seen in AGES. First of all - how friggin gorgeous is that first photo. *Squeal!* Balloon Bench is a sculpture created by Japanese designer Satoshi Itasaka from h220430 studio....