Still Life Photography by Christoph Sagel.There is something captivating about the work of Christoph Sagel. This Berlin based photographer specialises in still life photography with a twist. Mr Sagel has a real ability to transform the ordinary, everyday objects into...
Design Free Thursday | Alex Kisilevich.I love this cooky and clever photography by Toronto based Alex Kisilevich. The 'hair' in the top image reminds of my current haircut. Really must do something about that...
Berlin Penthouse | Oskar Kohnen & Fabian Freytag of LecaroliMited.Wowee! This is a pretty gutsy and flamboyant example of a residential interior. Located in Berlin, this 400sqm penthouse was designed by LecaroliMited, architectural office founded in 2005 by Oskar Kohnen and Fabian Freytag. It is...
Plantable | JAILmake Studio.Plantable is a handmade table by London-based JAILmake Studio (Liam Healy and Jamie Elliott) which will be on show at Designersblock during the upcoming London Design Week. Designed to interact with nature, this table offers a place to...
Vitra Miniatures Chandelier | Paola Pivi.The 'Nice Ball' (funny name) by Italian artist Paola Pivi, is a chandelier containing 80 iconic design furniture miniatures which are attached to an aluminum structure. Each light measures approximately 700 mm (28") in diameter, made from...
Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend. Apparently.Back in the day when I was studying Interior Architecture at UNSW, I worked at a jewelley store selling expensive Swiss watches and hand-made jewellery, custom pieces, engagement rings etc. During this time I developed an understanding and...
‘Dream Sequence’ by Madame Peripetie.The fine people who follow yellowtrace on Facebook (those that aren't - seriously, what the *@$# !!) will notice that my current avatar is hiding amongst today's beautiful images. They are a part of a stunning and surreal fashion editorial...
Akio Hirata’s Exhibition of Hats by Nendo | Tokyo, Japan.Ahhhh, Nendo, Nendo, Nendo... Is there ANYTHING you people cannot do? Seriously? Your talent it almost sickening. Except, I am completely in awe and too dazzled to feel sick right now. Anyway, back to the story. What you are looking at...
Balloon Bench | Satoshi Itasaka of h220430 Studio.Holy smokes. This has to be one of the sweetest things I've seen in AGES. First of all - how friggin gorgeous is that first photo. *Squeal!* Balloon Bench is a sculpture created by Japanese designer Satoshi Itasaka from h220430 studio....