Magical Works of Architecture by Tokyo-based Jun Aoki & Associates.Tokyo-based architecture studio Jun Aoki & Associates has completed many, many eyeball-pleasing and thought-provoking projects over the last 25 years of practice, ranging in scale and scope - from houses, galleries and temporary...
NYC Firehouse Transformed into a Cool-town HQ by Rafael De Cardenas of Architecture At Large.Originally built in 1895, this old firehouse in New York City has been transformed into a cool-town incubator for small tech star-ups. Designed by Rafael de Cárdena of Architecture At Large, the five story space houses offices of variable...
Stories On Design // Iran’s Contemporary Architecture Boom.Contemporary architecture in Iran is flourishing. New building typologies are being explored with passion, rigour and ingenuity. There are some bold and daring statements alongside subtle and sophisticated expressions. This awakening is...
INSIDE World Festival of Interiors 2016.INSIDE World Festival of Interiors, the leading global interior design and architecture awards programme, has recently announced that a shortlist of 63 projects will compete to be crowned World Interior of the Year 2016. Projects from...
Yellowtrace Spotlight // July 2016.Welcome to the July edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight! This month we are sharing a whole bunch of design news including a few super amazing residential projects (like - duh!), beautiful new products, two new ice-cream stores (yum!), cool...
Stories On Design // The Rise of Designer Health Studios & Gyms.I think we are all quite aware that health industry is a massive business these days. Health, after all, is our greatest asset, and the multi-bigillion dollar health & fitness industry was built upon on this fact alone. Of course, I'm...
Grace Farms Pavilion by SANAA in New Canaan, USA.If it looks like a snake, walks like a snake and slithers across upstate New York like one, does it make it of reptilian-decent? Far from it, actually. SANAA's Grace Farms in New Canaan is the latest offering from the Japanese firm to...
Real Estate Agency in Portugal by Fala Atelier Features Marble Partitions.This clever little fitout by Portuguese architecture studio Fala Atelier is a transformation of an old clothing store in Porto into a real estate agency. The base building was already refurbished in the early 1990s, so the client gave the...
Yellowtrace Spotlight // June 2016.Our June edition of Yellowtrace Spotlight is crazy full of both Australian and global design news. Some things not to be missed include new products from david/nicholas, Zuster and Ross Didier, two residential projects in Melbourne, a...