A Very Short Film by Vallée Duhamel | Yellowtrace

Video // “A Very Short Film” by VallĂ©e Duhamel.

Our love of Monetreal-based creative studio Vallée Duhamel, who specialise in high quality lo-fi videos, is well documented. Their latest video, titled "A Very Short Film”, follows the journey of a young girl through a strange and...
Heart of the Home by Gisbert Poeppler | Yellowtrace

Selected Projects by Berlin-based Gisbert Pöppler.

Berlin-based Gisbert Pöppler combines a deep knowledge of architecture, interior design and custom designed furnishings in one boutique studio since 2004. Big picture vision and refined, detailed precision are integrated in jewel-box-like...
Flower Bouquets Frozen in Blocks of Ice by Makoto Azuma | Yellowtrace

Flower Bouquets Frozen in Blocks of Ice by Makoto Azuma.

The self-described botanic artist Makoto Azuma has consistently looked for new ways to explore the beauty of plants, flowers and bonsai by placing them in incredibly unique settings. His latest exhibition, 'Ice Flowers', offers a...
Caesarstone Concetto Collection | Yellowtrace

Concetto Collection by Caesarstone.

Concetto by Caesarstone is a collection of extraordinary surfaces hand-made from individually cut and bound semi-precious stones. A unique blend of art, nature and technology, Concetto brings the sophistication and powerful energy of these...