Second Home London Office by Selgascano | Yellowtrace

Second Home London Office by Selgascano.

An orange plastic tunnel forms a curvy seating area along the facade of this London office block - the first UK project from JosĂŠ Selgas and LucĂ­a Cano, the architects of next year's Serpentine Gallery Pavilion. Located in a former...
Auwegemvaart Project by Dries Otten | Yellowtrace

Joyous Kitchen Joinery by Belgian Designer Dries Otten.

Dries Otten is a young furniture designer, interior architect and scenographer based in Belgium. We are in love with his commitment to colour and his ability to design playful joinery loaded with personalty. Queue squeals of excitement...
Modern Love by Barbara Kitallides | Yellowtrace

Modern Love by Barbara Kitallides.

Today we take a look at Melbourne-artist Barbara Kitallides' latest series titled Modern Love, which presents a departure from her usually fluid paintings into a more graphical territory. And we like it. We had a quick chat to Barbara...