Stories on Design: Chair Installations, Curated by Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Chair Installations.

I love getting a bit kookie every once in a while with our Stories, and today is definitely one of those days. I bet you never though of a chair as much more than an inanimate object you sit on (or devour with you eyes, as is the case with...
In Praise Of Chairs | Yellowtrace

Video // In Praise Of Chairs by Tony Zhou.

We all know that production design can make or break a film. In this video, film essayist Tony Zhou zeroes in on the importance of one particular set piece - the chair. He shows us how a single seat can set a scene, embody a character's...
Event Report: NYCxDesign Week 2015 | Yellowtrace

Event Report: NYCxDesign Week 2015.

NYCxDesign Week is, for me, similar to the experience of opening a crackerjack box - one must sift through the sugar-coated fluff, to the extent that you cannot stomach another bathtub or faucet ever again, to marvel at the discovery of...