WELCOME! Collection by Chiara Andreatti for FENDI | Yellowtrace

WELCOME! Collection by Chiara Andreatti for FENDI.

During the 10th edition of Design Miami/, FENDI presented WELCOME!, a space designed for "good living", featuring furniture pieces by young Italian designer Chiara Andreatti. With her furniture collection of FENDI, Chiara Andreatti...
Product Design: Furniture 2017 Archive | Yellowtrace

Product Design: Furniture | 2017 Archive.

It's hardly a shock to learn that we have a seriously soft spot for beautiful furniture here at Yellowtrace. Like, duh! Our Product Design Furniture roundup brings you all the stories in which we have covered pieces such as seating (sofas,...
Fred Ganim Interview | Yellowtrace

Interview: Melbourne-Based Furniture Maker Fred Ganim.

Melbourne-based furniture maker Fred Ganim’s work feels organic, his talent intuitive, and his vision very much his own. Having grown up in a creative family, he was always destined for artistic greatness. It’s evident that Fred...
London Design Festival 2017 Highlights | Yellowtrace

Highlights From London Design Festival 2017.

Welcome to our coverage of London Design Festival 2017 highlights, in which we bring you our round-up of the finest events and products #LDF17 had to offer, leaving no stone unturned, no press release unread, and no link unclicked. It will...