Six Architects | Posters by Andrea Gallo.Scrolling though yellowtrace tumblr blog the other day, I was reminded of the fact that I never posted about these brilliant graphics by Andrea Gallo. Aren't they just beautiful and so elegant? Pure graphics porn. It's like I'm staring at...
Tenka Gammelgaard Studio.Happy Monday everybody. I wanted to kick off the week with this incredible studio space which belongs to Danish artist Tenka Gammelgaard. Isn't it just to die for? In fact, those of you that follow yellowtrace on Facebook may recall that I...
The Research Agency | Jose Gutierrez.I love nothing more than seeing wonderful examples of workplace interiors. I often harp on about the lack of good commercial design and whenever I see a fine specimen which goes against my theory, I feel super happy. Enter The Research...
Moments in History.I don't know if this is the case with you, but I find that old photographs really speak to me. Ok, so I don't actually hear them talk or anything like that - I haven't lost the plot to that extent. It's just that I find old images to be a...
Design Free Thursday | Movie Stars & Inanimate Objects.Hey, you guys know that joke - an English(wo)man, a French(wo)man and an Italian(woman) walk into a bar... Oh, hang on. That doesn't sound right... Anyway, today's post is pretty RANDOM dot COM. Lucky it's Design Free Thursday. Phew. Which...
Pablo Valbuena | Video Projection on Architecture.Named after the technique used in baroque era to extended architecture through trompe l’oeil and perspective constructions generated with paint or sculpture, 'Quadratura' is the creation of Madrid born and based artist Pablo...
Design Free Thursday | Faces.Iconic Dutch photography duo of Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin have been shooting together for almost two decades. In that time, they have produced some truly incredible images. One of my favourite series are these photographs taken...
Graphic Prints by Therese Sennerholt.Therese Sennerhold is an art director based in Sweden who recently produced a series of kick-ass graphic prints which are now available through her online...