VERDI Barcelona Apartment by Cirera + Espinet | Yellowtrace

Quirky Barcelona Apartment by Cirera + Espinet.

It's always a treat taking a peek inside another designer's home, especially when they are the work of a young designer, because - let's face it - most of the time these spaces are not only clever, they are also proof that creativity and...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Circles in Architecture.

Stories On Design // Circles in Architecture.

The Circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, focus, infinity, unity, timelessness, the Sun, the Moon, the entire Universe. I suspect the reason most of us are drawn to it is...
Tamarit Apartment by RAS Arquitectura // Barcelona, Spain | Yellowtrace

Tamarit Apartment in Barcelona, Spain by RAS Arquitectura.

One of most useful skills an Architect can bring to a project is that of problem solving - the results often seem to be simple but in reality a carefully considered process has taken place to give this illusion. In a truly brilliant piece...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Inside Design & Architecture Studios | Yellowtrace

Stories On Design // Inside Design & Architecture Studios.

We all know perfectly well we are profoundly influenced by the spaces we inhabit, and it is no surprise that people who design these spaces, are particular about their own workplace. Today's Story takes a look at a diverse set of...
RA Apartment in Barcelona by Francesc Rifé Studio | Yellowtrace

RA Apartment in Barcelona by Francesc Rifé Studio.

"Our main goal for this project was to reflect the personality and way of life for the apartment owners," explains Francesc Rifé. The starting point for this Barcelona apartment was to develop the connections between the past, the...
#StoriesOnDesignByYellowtrace: Luscious Lofts.

Stories On Design // Luscious Lofts.

I think it's fair to say that most of us would've fantasised about living in a Loft at some stage. I certainly have, plenty of times, and occasionally still do. Regardless of your fantasies and personal preferences, there's is so much to...
5m Wide Barcelona Home Refurbished by Josep Ferrando | Yellowtrace

5m Wide Barcelona Home Refurbished by Josep Ferrando.

I have a new found appreciation for small living spaces. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a vast countryside villa or an expansive estate as much as the next archinerd; but you have to be particularly crafty, imaginative and...