The Hub Performance & Exhibition Centre in Shanghai by Neri&Hu Design & Research Office | Yellowtrace

HUB Performance & Exhibition Centre in Shanghai by Neri&Hu.

Designed by Neri&Hu, HUB mixed-use development sits in the heart of Hongqiao District in Shanghai. The highlight of the complex is the Performance and Exhibition Centre, envisioned as the “hot spot” of culture and arts for the...
Crazy Beautiful SPenthouse in SĂŁo Paulo by Studio MK27 | Yellowtrace

Crazy Beautiful SPenthouse in SĂŁo Paulo by Studio MK27.

Designed by Studio MK27, the SPenthouse sits at the summit of a newly built SĂŁo Paulo apartment building. The project sought to address the demands of the brief with minimal division, shaping an interior with seamless spatial...
Jungle House (Casa na Mata) by Studio mk27 | Yellowtrace

Jungle Fever: Casa na Mata (Jungle House) by Studio MK27.

Casa na Mata (Jungle House) by Marcio Kogan's Studio MK27 is located on the edge of the Brazilian rain forest, on a block of land surrounded by dense vegetation. The main volume of the house is elevated from the ground and appears to...
Grace Farms Pavilion by SANAA in New Canaan, USA | Yellowtrace

Grace Farms Pavilion by SANAA in New Canaan, USA.

If it looks like a snake, walks like a snake and slithers across upstate New York like one, does it make it of reptilian-decent? Far from it, actually. SANAA's Grace Farms in New Canaan is the latest offering from the Japanese firm to...