Wengawa House, Japan by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates | Yellowtrace

Wengawa House, Japan by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates.

We visit the unassuming residential area of AnjĹŤ, Japan, and are treated to a lesson in design and space planning excellence by Katsutoshi Sasaki + Associates. Demonstrating their masterful approach to housing, Katsutoshi Sasaki +...
Textile Covered People by Guda Koster | Yellowtrace

Textile Covered People by Guda Koster.

Guda Koster is a Dutch artist who creates living sculptures, installations and performances, which she then photographs. Koster’s images are created in parallels of time, space and textile. The artist uses fabrics, colours and...
Event Report: 3 Days of Design, Copenhagen | Yellowtrace

Event Report: 3 Days of Design 2016, Copenhagen.

3 Days of Design takes in some of the most beautiful and interesting parts of the city, and even though it has grown both in participants and geography, most sites are easily accessible on bike. The big brands of Denmark also have some...