Cockatoo Island | 17th Sydney Biennale.

OK, so it's Wednesday and there's no interview. What's going on - you ask? Nothing, I just needed to take a little breather, and I felt like mixing things up a little. Back to normal next week so stay tuned. Besides, I have a little Sydney...

Interview | Marsha Meredith {2026}.

Marsha Meredith is a Sydney based artist who's work focusses aroung the theme of Peter Pan life in the bubble around Sydney's Bondi. I first came across Marsha when someone sent me the link to her facebook fanpage. Ever since then I'd been...

Explore The Kerb.

Top of the morning to you all! I hope everyone had an ace weekend. I have to say that I am pretty sad that the World Cup is over for another four years. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself without the 4am wake up calls to watch...

Interview | Juliette Arent & Sarah-Jane Pyke {Arent & Pyke.}

I am extremely proud and super excited to share with you an interview with two very good friends of mine - Sydney based interior designers Juliette Arent & Sarah-Jane Pyke of Arent & Pyke. Woot! And when I say good friends, I mean friggin'...

Interview | Suzie Idiens.

I often get asked about the benefits of writing a design blog, and whether the rewards outweigh the effort and the time that goes into researching and producing original content on a daily basis. It's a very good question, and the one I...

Host Agency by WHO Design.

Remember my rant from last week about the scarcity of good commercial design in our industry? How could you forget, right? Anyway, the way that rant started was when I chose to share pictures of this project with you, and the next thing I...

Koskela Launches New “Studio” Series.

The clever and creative folks at Koskela have created a new range of accessible furniture options with the launch of Koskela Studio. This range is designed to be more relaxed and less "corporate" than their main range, with many of the...

Creative Sydney | 10×10 Project.

Earlier this week I received an e-mail from the lovely Pip Jamieson, who was super excited about the official launch of Creative Sydney 10x10 Project - and rightfully so! 10x10 is a brilliant on-line project organised by Creative Sydney...